This is an archive page for the Crescent House Pilot Project undertaken in 2022/2023 - planning was granted July 2022 and the project completed in October 2023.
Aims for the Pilot Project:
Establish, in detail, the condition of the existing window frames.
Establish the condition of the existing building fabric (window surrounds).
Establish the suitability of the building fabric to accommodate the new windows/fixings etc.
Understand how the programme for the works can be rolled out across the remainder of Crescent House and the wider Golden Lane Estate.
Improve cost certainty for the renovation/repair option.
Improve cost certainty for the replacement project option.
Explore the optimal option that preserves heritage and improves thermal performance.
You can follow the Pilot Project journey here:
Early 2023 Pilot Project Update
Summer 2023 Pilot Project Update
September 2023 Pilot Project Update
October 2023 Pilot Project Update